Pristatome dalį klientų – įmones, kurios TRIZ pagrindu sukurtus įrankius, sėkmingai išprendė pasirinktus kompleksinius uždavinius ir pasiekė projekto pradžioje nustatytų tikslų: sumažino kaštus, padidino pelną, pašalino prieštaravimus. Saugodami savo klientų komercines paslaptis ir laikydamiesi konfidiencialumo sutarčių, galime skelbti ne visų savo klientų sėkmės istorijas. Esant būtinybei, rekomenduosime asmenį Jus dominančioje įmonėje, kuris įgaliotas suteikti detalesnę informaciją.

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More about BC Hydro - For Generations
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Fast Facts: Pretium Ventures 5,7 M savings

The Challenge

Develop a technology to reduce the cost of producing acetic acid

The Solution

A team of three experienced scientists used the system of Guided Brainstorming TRIZ Inventive Principles and found ways to eliminate essential contradiction.

The Results

  • Technology offers the opportunity to significantly reduce operating and capital cost.
  • For a world scale acetic acid plant an energy savings of $3.7 million is possible.
  • Savings of raw materials is about $2 million.
  • The capital cost for a new world scale plant can be reduced by up to $16 million.
  • The total worldwide licensing potential for the technology is $200 million. Read more about: Pretium Ventures 5,7 M savings

Fast Facts: Guided Brainstorming TRIZ Enhances Value Management Workshop Results


Ensure the success of Value Management (cost reduction) Workshops.


Use GB TRIZ to unlock the creative genius of the individual workshop participants.


Confident of producing a successful workshop result.
Ability to bring out the creativity of the participants.
Meld past proven solutions with the skills and expertise of the participants into workable solutions for the problem at hand (the subject of the workshop). Read more about: Guided Brainstorming TRIZ Enhances Value Management Workshop Results

Fast Facts: Using TRIZ to Capture New Business

The Challenge

High performance and added features made the TRW’s system too expensive for the market.


Use TRIZ to generate technical solutions to cost problems without degrading performance.


By implementing 68 ideas into various subsystems of the product TRW was able to capture the initial $1+ Billion contract.
The product became easier to assemble and had improved reliability.
Applying those same ideas to systems sold to other customers, captured more business and doubled their sales. Read more about: Using TRIZ to Capture New Business